Friday, August 8, 2008

I live in Africa

Sometimes it hits me at random times to think I actually live in Africa. No matter how old I get, I can tell people I've lived in Africa. I know that may sound weird, but that's what pops into my head at random times.

Nothing really new to report. I've been busy with orientation at school. My roomie arrived yesterday, and I think we'll get along well. We, well really she, made pizza last night.

What I've learned:
*I don't really like bleach. We have to put it in our dish water and it does a number on the hands (and clothes). It's a good think I like polka-dotted clothes ;)
*We can in fact have hot water. My water has always been cold so I figured that's all we got, although I found it funny we had two knobs on our faucets. My dad informed me that my water heater probably was not on. haha
*Skype is a beautiful thing. I've already talked to my parents so if you would like to talk, let me know. It's a free program you can download, and it totally rocks.

Well back to more training. Perhaps my next post will be written by a 27-year-old. Eek. ;)

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