Notice that our neighbors have a trampoline. I thought that was cool. :)
This is basically the view from my bedroom window. Unfortunately the goats were not there yet, but they like to climb on this old jail. Soccer players also come and run this hill.
Things I've learned so far:
1. How to flame bread to get the bugs off. (Some people don't flame it, but I'm new so I thought I'd better.)
2. Power cuts are much better during the day. We had two last night so sleeping in 85 degree heat at night (according to my alarm clock) with no moving air can be difficult.
3. Ca va (how are you) can be used as a question, answer, all around term. (Thanks Anne for teaching this to me and having me practice.)
4. Eggs can be left on the counter. That's where we keep ours anyway.
5. There are not as many mosquitos as I thought there would be. Yay!
Well I better go work in my classroom. More pics and updates to come.
Stay tuned. :)
YEAH! it was SO fun to read through your "insights to dakar" thus far. sorry about the power cuts...i remember those long, sticky, sweaty nights! enjoy the baguettes - have you met taffa (sp?) yet? get to know him. enjoy!!
flame the bread, eh?
<3 the trampoline. i want one on my roof.
Eggs don't need to be refridgerated. True bill. I learned that overseas, too. Especially since they're usually fresher there that what you get in the states. I've often been surprised at what doesn't actually need to stay cold to stay good. Silly Americans! I leave for Quito in an hour!! More when I arrive...
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