Tuesday, February 23, 2010

random things to write about

So I'm sitting in the dorm trying to put up with slow internet. I asked them what to write about. Here's a list:

1. "E": Write about "E" throwing candy at you. "E" throws Haribo gummy at me.
2. "S" (boy): Write about "S" sitting in a room with the freshmen girls.
Editor's note: The freshmen girls are so giggly right now.
3. "E" to "K": Turn off that country song.
Editor's note: The song that came on was African.

Okay, I think I better write about a coherent topic now. Senior Cafe is over which means I can spill the beans. I danced as Miley Cyrus to Hoedown Throwdown. It wasn't my idea. Trust me. You see, I had the junior girls over to watch the newest Hannah Montana movie. Don’t laugh. It’s a good one. My friend suggested we learn the dance so there were 15 of us trying this thing out. Then someone mentioned the brilliant idea of doing it for Senior CafĂ©. A week went by, and I thought the idea died. Then one Monday during lunch, I go to a “meeting” in my room where I see the girls with a cake that says “Pretty Please.” They get down on one knee and ask me to be Miley Cyrus. How do I say no to 13 girls on their knees? Seriously, I couldn’t do it. That began the two week ordeal of learning the dance and getting ready to perform. We ended up winning first place. I must admit, it was fun. However, I don’t think there will be a repeat performance ;)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

PLEASE tell me that someone videotaped this performance and you're going to post it. PLEASE.