Monday, August 2, 2010

a blog for Hannah

My sister keeps telling me that I need to blog again. She is probably right, she usually is. After all, there was my trip to Guinea (AWESOME!!!!), the last College World Series at Rosenblatt (bittersweet), another trip up north to Lake Belle Taine (fun as always). Life this summer has been good...Now I feel like I'm venturing out into the unknown. You see, my family has visited Senegal. They have some idea about my experiences and why I act/react the way I do. Reentry into the US has been pretty good. Granted I haven't wandered down the aisles of a grocery store yet, but that'll come soon. I guess the first real test will be visiting Chicago in a few days. I always feel leery around all the opulence and money. We'll see what happens this time. I love America. I really do. The thing that saddens me the most is the huge culture of "me" that has seemed to take over our hearts. We have to wait in line-we complain, they don't have the one cereal we want (out of 100s)-we complain some more...I'm not immune to this. It's just that I don't want this to be me. May we be able to take a step back and thank God for our blessings (because we have soooo many).

1 comment:

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