Greetings. I do apologize for the length between posts these days. I just haven't found anything exciting to write about. I mean, I was walking by the office this afternoon thinking that 3+ months ago, I would have never thought lizards crawling on the walls would be "normal." How time and experience change things.
You may be wondering about softball. Well we are 2-0. I got my first hit the other game. Yay, yay! I am getting to know the kids better through the game so that is nice. I guess it's worth the embarrasement of never catching fly balls...;)
I am just finishing 2 Corinthians and I thought it was an interesting read during the election campaign. (Yes, I did wake up at 4 am to come find out the winner.) What surprised me the most here was all the focus on the candidates' words. Don't get me wrong. Words are great and powerful. However, I think we fall into a dangerous trap when we evaluate anyone based on their words. The addage "Do as I say, not as I do" kept coming back. I found myself wanting to ask people about the candidates' actions. What have their actions shown. That is what reveals something about a person. Sometimes we as believers can focus so much on our speech that we miss our actions and character. What do people see when they look at you? Have you stopped to think about that lately?
P.S. I didn't change for DST so I am now 6 hours ahead of CDT.
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