Thursday, September 4, 2008

Josephine has some power

So two nights ago we had this really bad storm where the wind was actually being sucked out my bedroom window. I believe the name of that storm is now Josephine. Let me back up. You may or may not know that hurricanes start off our coast. Whenever we get a storm, it has the potential to turn into a tropical storm/hurricane. It takes anywhere from 7-15 days for the storm to reach America. I guess it's no surprise then that our rainy season and hurricane season last for the same length of time.

It's starting to get hotter and more humid. I guess Sept is the worst month and then it'll cool down. Fortunately I'm made for hot weather but 80% humidity is wearing.

What else is new? Hmm...I signed up to play intermural handball. I guess it's an Olympic sport. It's kind of cool that we can have a mixture of ms students, hs students, staff, and dorm parents on the same team.

It is now the 3rd day of Ramadan. It is a month where Muslims fast all day. As a Christian, we must ensure we don't tempt a Muslim by carrying open food or water. Please pray that God would be moving during these times and Jesus would reveal himself to our neighbors and some of our students.


Unknown said...

Hi Annie, I was a PC voluteer in Dakar in 1974-5. I had many of the cross cultural experiences you did, including learning the languages. J'ae apris France and un pue Wollaf ossi. As you can see I didn't learn the spelling part, just conversation. My first French word was "papillion" learned on a car rapide ride to downtown! I worked at Univ. of Dakar as a veterinarian. Yes, I'm a vet and I was raised at Treynor, IA!

My email is, feel free to email. BTW you look like a French girl so that should help you not stand out like an American quite so much! Best luck, Jon

MaryD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MaryD said...

I don't think it's Josephine... that was already named. I was looking up "K" but that's a smaller storm that formed off the coast of Mexico... maybe our big storm will turn out to be the "L" hurricane?? Crazy, isn't it.

I removed the last comment because too many typos... sorry! (hope this is better!)